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A content management system (CMS) is an administration area which allows the updating of a website directly by the website owner/administrator. This is done through a normal web browser and is an easy to use, form-based system, requiring no specialist knowledge. Most content management systems are linked to a database and as a result, dynamic content also becomes possible.

Benefits of using a CMS:
· Any amends made are instant, keeping the website content fresh and up-to-date, and can be made as frequently as needed
· Login through a browser at any location. No specialist software is required so amends can be made away from the office/home
· The CMS is a bespoke solution, tailored to suit each project. The extent of content needing to be updated in-house changes from project to project and 'off-the-shelf' solutions to content management may be unnecessarily expensive and/or not flexible enough to fulfil all a client's requirements
· No specialist skills are required to manage content
· Eliminates the need to commission a specialist whenever a change is required - saving money
· Website visitors are more likely to return if the content is dynamic and changes frequently
· Setting update privileges allows individuals or departments to update different areas of the site
· Information from the database can be downloaded to a csv file for importing into a spreadsheet off-line
· An administrator/supervisor can be informed that a change has been made or file has been uploaded and can authorise content before it goes live to ensure quality control
The areas which most benefit from a CMS are those which change frequently and could include:
· product details or categories for an on-line catalogue/e-commerce site
· a latest news section. This could contain date dependent actions - showing or hiding items depending on the date
· downloadable assets such as a monthly brochure in pdf format (files such as documents or graphics can easily be uploaded through the CMS)
· a facility to manage and send emails to those users who have signed up for an email newsletter
· a members only section with member details amendable by the members themselves

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