A database-driven (or dynamic)
website means that all or part of the content of a website
is stored in a database rather than being normal, static
html pages. When a visitor goes to visit a dynamic page
the information is pulled from the database and displayed
to the user at that moment so, as long as the database
is up-to-date, the user is always viewing the latest
information. Most websites that contain many pages following
the same format, such as product pages in an e-commerce
site, are database driven. Only one template page needs
to be created and the content for each product is placed
within the page dynamically.
It is not only large sites which benefit from being
database driven. Many smaller sites contain an area
which would benefit from being updateable in-house such
as a latest news or events section, an email newsletter,
a members-only area, a search facility, downloadable
documents or even just the text on the home page. Having
a website where content is updated regularly can encourage
visitors to return more frequently whereas content which
is clearly out-of-date will discourage repeat visitors.
The database is often amended through a content
management system allowing the client to easily
amend site content through an ordinary browser, as often
as necessary.